So - as you may notice, I have not gone private yet but don't tell Darren. I am just waiting for the next lashing before I actually do it.
I need to write this down so I don't forget but also to show you how precious children are and how concerned they are for their parents.
Ever since we found out that my Dad has cancer, Canon has been acting strangely. At first we thought it was because he upset that he might lose his grandpa and I am sure that that is also the case but it wasn't until last week that we figured out what was going on.
My poor little 8 year old baby has been suffering from anxiety attacks. He couldn't sleep, cried uncontrollably, wouldn't go to school and if he was at school - he would call to come home. He would stay up for hours laying in bed, refuse to get on the bus and wouldn't let us out of his sight. We started asking questions about what may be bothering him thinking there must be a bully or someone at school or on the bus bothering him. He said he had nightmares, bad thoughts, his head would hurt, his heart would race and he would make himself sick to his stomach. He eventually told us that he was afraid something would happen to US. He somehow associated my Dad's cancer with "this could happen to my mom". He wouldn't leave my sight, he had to sleep with me, he counted the hours that we would be away, etc... it was so sad. We have had to talk to counselors, take to his teacher and he calls us at every recess to check in to make sure we are okay. He really thinks that when we express our love to him, it will be the last time he hears it. It is just so sad to see him like this, with all this weight on his little shoulders. He cries at the second we tell him we love him.....
Last night was the first night he
began in his bed but it didn't last long. Within an hour, he was laying on the floor at our feet in tears. He can't stand that he doesn't physically see his dad leave for work in the morning because he hasn't witnessed that he is safe. We have never felt so loved in all our life. This little boy has made me realize how much children love their parents. I hope that this doesn't last too much longer so that he can get back to his happy self but it has been such a great lesson for Darren and myself about love.
I love, love, love this little guy!