Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break!

So - here is a list of the many things we have done over the last 4 days. The zoo, the library, 3 different parks, miniature golfing, and Jungle Jim's. Hopefully the boys realize how lucky they have been. We have a really good time and I have loved spending time with them.

Easter Pics!

Who doesn't love Easter pictures? I thought I would just post some really cute pictures of the boys. They went to a city Easter egg hunt after having repeated lessons by Dad on how to be the fastest and get the most. Luckily - Blaze is humble and after running out to the middle and filing his basket to the top - he comes back to declare that he is done and that he has enough. There was still candy all over the grass and I was amazed that this kid had no greed. Now - if this was a Canon vs. Blaze competition - you would see it then. Unfortunately for Canon - he is in the 7-8 year old category and realized that some of his peers are theives - he had several boys taking candy/prizes right out of his basket. Maybe Darren should have practiced what to do if that happens. Actually maybe not - blood and Easter egg hunts don't go good together.

We had another great Easter Sunday spending time with my family. Eating, having our annual Easter egg hunt at my mom's (including all her children, ages 38 to 25). Darren claims April pushed him out of the way for an egg. He won't forget it either - so April beware. Maybe because he lost this year, taking last place in finding his eggs. He doesn't take last place very well.

Don't Tell The Big Boys!

So - being 7 months pregnant - I find it difficult to bend all the way over. Especially for long periods of time. Now I realize that the belly only gets bigger and bending over gets worse but sometimes you just can't stand it for a minute. Spring is coming and I needed my toenails painted. Last night - I asked Darren if he would paint my toenails. At first he was hesitant and I only realized later why.

I stack tons of tissue and q-tips around my feet just knowing that we will have a disaster but he becomes offended and dismisses all of it. He slowly paints my nails as I look on and make obvious comments when someone is painting your toes. "You aren't doing it right" "You missed a spot" " You need more on the brush", those types of things. Each time him patiently and repeatedly telling me to "shut up".

After completing the toes and after realizing he has done a really good job - I tell him I am going to take a picture of it - for history sake. Here is where I realize why he was hesitant before. This is how he comments: "Don't take a picture of it and definitely don't blog about it - if you do - I will certainly be out of the Big Boys Club then"



Here is another example of my brilliant son and the "Things Kids Say". So - this last week has been spring break for Canon but not for Darren. I have taken the week of as well to play with my boys. Along with everything else under the sun we have been doing - they decided they wanted a "Sleepover" with Mom. This just meaning that they kick Dad out of bed and sleep with me for a night. I told them I would talk to their dad about it and let them know what he said. First thing the next morning - the boys ask me what Dad said. I told him his feelings were hurt that he had to sleep alone and that no one wanted to snuggle with him. (Realize that for his birthday, Father's Day, sunday mornings after breakfast, or any other holiday he makes up - he "forces" his children snuggle with him for at least 5 mintues). Later that day - we discussed the "Sleepover" again and this is what happened.

Canon: "Mom, how about I make Dad a deal? I will read my chapter books for a really long time so that I can sleep with you and he can sleep in my new bed."

Me: "That is a good deal, Dad just might say yes to that."

Blaze: "Mom, how about I make a deal with Dad. How about, he lets me sleep with you tonight and then he can sleep with you all next week."

Me: "Wow - that is a great deal"

I later told Darren this and he couldn't stop laughing - this kid really knows how to negotiate. Aren't little kids great?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sad, Sad Night!

Well - This is really hard for me to do right now. My kids wanted a tribute so here it is. Unfortunately this evening, I ran over our cat, Zona. He has been a part of our family for 12 years. We loved this cat so much and are devastated about the loss. The sadness is more than we can bear. Canon is so sad, as he has had Zona in his life since birth. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have Zona and the joy he brought our family. I am so sorry Zona, I love you!!

A Used Car Saleman In The Making!

Okay - this might be long but I have to tell someone. It was the cutest thing.

So, Blaze and I were sitting in the living room, I was watching him play with his trucks when he asks this question. "Mom, what is it called when you want to get rid of your car but you want to buy a new one?" I reply - "A dealership?". He says to me - "Step into my dealership". I look down and he had placed his Escalade Truck propped up like it's climbing a mountain and proceeds to ask me if I would like to buy it.

I ask him for how much and he tells me $60. I said sure. Went to my wallet and pulled out a $1 bill. He looks at me confused and obviously knowing it wasn't enough and says to me "This is only one dollar". I pull out another $1 and he takes a good look at the two bills. He then, in this typical car salesman voice, says while pointing away from the Escalade, "Have you seen the truck I have over here?"

It was so funny I couldn't stop laughing. He was not about to sell me the nice truck and wanted to pawn the smaller truck off for the $2 I had offered. It was great. I told Darren that night and he thinks Timmy Brown would be so proud. Later that night, I asked Blaze what he would have sold the truck to his Dad for and he says only $20. Darren hands him $6, he takes the money, hands him the Escalade, then offers Darren $5 to sell the truck back. Deal!

Canon's Jungle

Ever since we have lived in our new house, Canon and Blaze had shared a bedroom. Although they don't enjoy sharing a room, they do HAVE to sleep together at night. They could fight all day but at night - when they are told they have to sleep separate - they both freak out. Well - Jolinda moved out about a month ago and it didn't take Canon and I long to move Canon into her room, repaint the walls and trim and get him new bedding. He has been so excited and so involved in picking it out. We bought huge stickers of baby jungle animals to put on the walls, including a monkey, tiger, cheetah, toucan, zebra, elephant and giraffe. We still would like to get pillows for the window seat but Darren thinks that can wait. Just thought I would show you how cute it turned out!

Daddy's Sick Day!

So - Darren gets sick about once a year and when it hits him, it hits him. Unfortunately this year, his sickness only lasted a couple of days. You all know what it's like when a husband is sick so I won't go into that any further. Anyway - by the third day of being sick, laying in bed, watching movies and sleeping - Blaze had had enough. If his Dad was going to be home - he was going to play. Daddy finally gave in to playing with Blaze so I had to document this occasion - it was a big day for Blaze. It took them most of the morning just to set this up and then about 5 minutes to take down every soldier.