Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Random Things...

Well - it's been awhile. A lot has happened. But since I don't know where to start, I will begin with last week.

The boys spent Easter in Arizona while I stayed home with Pierson and spent the day with my family. Uncle Don had a huge Easter egg hunt with eggs loaded with money. The boys scored and were so excited with all the money they got. They went to another Easter egg hunt with money as well! What lucky boys! Pierson and I went to our traditional Easter egg hunt at my parents. I am excited to report that Colin was the loser even though I figured I would be since I haven't lost yet. Unfortunately none of these events were documented with photos - except for Pierson raiding my basket.

We all spent the rest of the week in Arizona and it was fabulous. It was so nice to get away from the snow and cold weather. We spent time with family, played a lot of Wii, went swimming, ate out a lot and enjoyed our company. We went to the Phoenix zoo and had a great time together. The boys were excited to see all the animals - this zoo is extraordinary compared to our zoo.

I mentioned before that Pierson is already walking. He walks like crazy. He bends over to pick up toys and can continue walking - it's amazing. He can circle around while walking and now hates to sit, crawl, etc. Today he decided to sweep while walking - which seems to be amazing considering the size of the broom. Hopefully he doesn't start talking soon either! Baby talk is so adorable.

Canon being crazy!

Blaze and Tink

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Baby Is Walking!!!


I know - he is way too young. My other boys didn't walk until they were 1 and I just don't know what to do about it. He takes about 7-10 steps at a time, walking from one piece of furniture to the next. Today is started making turns while walking, changing directions and all. I can't believe it but I am excited that he will be able to get around on his own.

I recently bought a walking toy to help him move around but after a week and a half - he was past it. He dragged it more than walked with it. I need to get it on film so that you can see because it is too cute. He will randomly walk whenever he wants but when you want him to perform - he won't. I will have to catch it without him knowing.

I just love this little baby!

I Have A 9 Year Old!

I can't believe it! I never thought the day would come that my kids would be this big. We had a big bash this year to celebrate his birthday! The theme he chose was High School Musical.

He invited 12 friends to come celebrate at Willowcreek Middle school. Darren and I snuck down to the school the night before and pulled cafeteria tables into the gym. We decorated the tables, the walls, had balloons and even had standees of Troy and Gabriella. During the party we took "prom" pictures and "school" pictures of the kids - it was awesome. The kids played kick ball, stay off my lawn, balloon volleyball, scooter soccer, and we had an obstacle course. We ate pizza, opened presents and had cake and ice cream. After cake - the kids played Dance Dance Revolution to the songs of high school musical and each kid had a mat to play on. Darren projected the "moves" on to the wall making the screen gigantic and the music was loud. During the entire party - we had the songs blaring through the sound system in the gym which Canon loved. He helped create the CD just the way he wanted. It was so fun seeing the kids play and especially seeing Darren play "gym teacher" to the party-goers.

I took tons of pictures but couldn't figure out the settings for "indoor gym". Some pictures turned out and some did not. Here are a few of them!