As you can tell I haven't posted for awhile. And mainly for good reason. I have had nothing but bad things to say or complain about and thought it wouldn't be good but I am thinking what the heck - at least you will know that we are still alive. Here is what has gone down in just one little month!
* Blaze has had an earache and hasn't liked it one bit
* Tink cost us $200 in vet fees and turned out to be fine the following day - she was dropped by a neighbor and hurt her ribs, shoulders, arms, etc. Pain meds made her a new dog!
* Darren leaves at 6:00 am and doesn't come home until after midnight, sometimes even 2:30 in the morning. He has been painting a 7,000 sq. foot home one his own with a little help from Josh and Cougar. This doesn't help with Canon's situation!
* Pierson has RSV and an earache and doesn't like getting his treatments. Screaming and sweating for 8 minutes every 4-6 hours is NOT fun for me either.
* Our car needed a new radiator and cost us $500. Where do we get that?
* Canon makes him so sick with anxiety that he throws up at least 5 out of the 7 days in a week. He sleeps on our floor almost every night. We are enjoying that.....NOT!
* Aerating season has started and Darren is gone every Saturday ALL day and then crashes the following day.
* My dad is sick sick sick and I hate not being able to do anything. We haven't been able to see him much because the kids have been so sick and contagious.
* My mom has a lot on her plate and I can't be there for her and it kills me.
* I had to take Pierson to work with me three weeks in a row. Thank goodness I have Ranie now.
* Canon's birthday is coming up and we are NOT ready for the biggest party of his life... as he puts it.
* I got a speeding ticket ON AN ON RAMP!!! My second one by the same cop in the same place!
This is just to name a few things that have kept us occupied. I did take a few pictures over the weekend and will post those shortly. Let's just hope April turns out better....