Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Titan

I just have to tell you what my husband has done AGAIN. We recently sold our white truck to Darren's friend and have been looking for a used larger truck, mainly the Titan. Darren was in Arizona and was searching there but didn't have any luck before he had to fly home. He convinced me to let him drive his brothers car home so that we had two vehicles to take our Christmas to Arizona in. WHATEVER! What really happened was he tricked me again! He showed up with a brand new 2008 Black Titan all shiny and new. I couldn't believe it! I started crying and was in complete shock. I couldn't believe that he pulled it off again! Well - I had to show you the pictures of my new baby! He will have a hard time getting me to let this one go!

1 comment:

Ali said...

Do you name your cars/trucks?! If so, what is you baby's name!? Congrats! He is the KING of surprises. I am excited for you! The last time my husband sat in a Titan, he started to cry because of all of the power in the engine. It's a beautiful thing for him!