Sunday, June 8, 2008

An Expensive Lesson on Bribery!

I just wanted to let you all know that Darren learned an important lesson on bribery this weekend. Here is why:

Last soccer season, Canon wasn't very aggressive , kind of ran behind the pack, and got "tired" a lot. This was quite frustrating for us to see as you can imagine. So... this year, as an incentive to get Canon to play better, harder, whatever...Darren promised to take him to Disneyland if he scored 5 goals. He only had 7 games to accomplish this goal. After the fourth game and no goals, Darren felt pretty safe that he wouldn't have to worry about Disneyland. Then during the 5th game (the day after his brother was born) he told his grandparents that he hoped to score 3 goals during the game. That is just what he did. He scored 3 goals in one game making his goal closer than we anticipated. He had his 6th game yesterday and because his grandma came to the game - he scored the last two. The 5th and most exciting goal happened with only 30 seconds left in the game. The whole sidelines overheard us talking about this last important goal to score so when he did it - the sidelines roared with cheers. He was so so excited - he wanted to smile and cry but said he would be too embarrassed.

So - it looks like Darren and Canon will be planning a father/son trip in the near future. After Canon scored the 5th goal - I began to realize that this just isn't an "ice cream cone", or a special "toy" or a fun night out... this is DISNEYLAND and that is expensive. This "BRIBE" is going to cost me $1000.

Lesson to all of you - be careful what you bribe your kids with.


Jaime said...

Don't you just love kids! I think they plan these things to get what they want and we are the ones getting worked! Canon is so lucky. I love Disneyland!

Julie Ethington said...

Nice work Canon! I knew he could do it! Maybe you'll have to use your Axiom "Trip of your dreams" to disneyland! :)