So -I know I know! I need to update my blog. I think about it and I think about how overwhelming it is because I let it go so long BUT I do want some of you to know what we have been up to!
Hopefully I can do this in order but probably not!
The boys came back from Arizona after spending countless weeks there. They were on the swim team there but hated the early mornings. They also went to Kids Camp, and Basketball camp. They loved hanging out with their cousins and Uncles!
Pierson and I went to Herriman days for the big firework show.
We celebrated Blaze's half birthday. I have always hated that this poor kid doesn't get to have fun outdoor birthday parties because of this December birth so we finally made the switch to half-birthdays. He will get one big gift on his actual birth day but we will celebrate with parties and friends in the summer. He loves the idea of two birthdays!
He chose a water party in the backyard. We had several pools, a slip-n-slide, water balloon fight (they all attacked Darren), squirt gun fights and a water race game. It was a lot of fun. Minutes before the party though - on July 6th - we had a massive rain storm. It was dark cold and raining and the kids were just showing up. Luckily after 15 minutes it passed and was sunny again - so random!
Took the boys to the splash park, several times.
Went to Carpinteria Beach for our Taylor Family Reunion.
Blaze hanging out with his most favorite person in the whole world - his cousin Ellie.
Blaze started Kindergarten - can you believe it? He is so big. Although if you ask him now - he says his favorite part of school is riding the bus, recess and PE. He IS his Dad.
The beginning of many camping trips. Since we bought our trailer - we want to do nothing but camp every weekend. We are so lucky that just a half hour away we are in the most beautiful mountains ever. The boys love to explore, hike, hide, collect, etc.
The campin' jammies.
Pierson seeing a squirrel for the first time and not knowing what to think.
Feeding the ducks for the first time and being mesmerized.
Climbing rock walls.
Visits with Grandpa Taylor and Grandpa Carlson.
Excited to be golfing and not miniature golfing.
Me with my Scouts at a Cub-O-Ree. Oh what fun!
Having a blast at Boondocks.
Puttin' on the hat, jumpin' on the jeep, wiping a snake - all boy!
Seein' a lady!
Pierson's "Uh oh" face.
Just random pictures below:
We have had a very busy, fun summer so there will be more to come. Sorry for the long wait.